Control Your Flat Spot: Learn how to direct strap tension to get the cup shaping you want!

I have spoken before about how there are regions of flatness in a bra cup, but I think the topic needs another visit, as I've found people sometimes underestimate how much flatness caused by the strap can impact the shaping of the cup - especially in large cups. By the end of this post you should know how to manage strange dents and intentional (or unintentional) regions of "flatness" to get the shaping and lift that you desire out of your bras. An extended edition of this post is available on my ko-fi , which you can read with a one-time donation of $3/£2. You can subscribe to continue supporting my work and receive early access to/extended versions of my posts. 1. What is the flat spot in a bra, and what causes it? In broad terms, flatness appears in a bra cup when a region of your fabric is under tension. The fabric wants to take the shortest route from point a to point b along this line of tension, so instead of rounding over your breast, creating a curve, it smoos...