Tutorial: how to increase wire spring in your cradle

I'm here with an actual tutorial for once so get your drafting stationery ready! It is my personal belief that a lot of us struggling bra makers should be increasing the spring on our bras, especially in larger wire sizes. Spring is, in short, the distance between the wire at rest and the cradle the wire fits into. An extended edition of this post is available on my ko-fi , which you can read with a one-time donation of $3/£2. You can subscribe to continue supporting my work and receive early access to/extended versions of my posts. Using a spring-conscious approach has been the final puzzle piece in fitting bra bands onto myself and clients with high rates of success. What I mean by spring conscious is the understanding that each wire size/type/firmness needs a different amount of spring, as well as the understanding that certain cradle and band alterations also impact this amount. As designers often use a set amount of spring for each wire, their bands may ...